Grow Live Granola – Gluten Free
Well, one of the things I miss on the gluten free diet, is eating granola. All that delicious granola sold at grocery stores is out of bounds. Recently I came across Go Raw Grow Live Granola...
Well, one of the things I miss on the gluten free diet, is eating granola. All that delicious granola sold at grocery stores is out of bounds. Recently I came across Go Raw Grow Live Granola...
As you probably know – the removal of gluten is a recommendation for women trying to conceive. At the beginning of the year, I decided to go 100% gluten free since I had been tested positive for thyroid antibodies. Research has found a clear connection between thyroid antibodies and gluten sensitivity. It appears the protein called gluten activities the immune system in the gut, allowing miss signaling to occur and primes the immune system to attack the body or in my case the thyroid. This has re-focused my attention to possibility of “gluten sensitive” women who […]