Acupuncture for First Trimester of Pregnancy
Acupuncture during the first weeks of early pregnancy is safe and activates feel good hormones to allow you to glide into the next big step in your life. Many of my fertility clients continue treatment through the first trimester of their pregnancy, as fluctuations in hormones lead to a variety of issues, such as,
- Morning Sickness and Nausea/Vomiting
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Constipation
- Chronic sinus drip
- Frequent colds
- Anxiety and Insomnia
During the first trimester of pregnancy most clients keep their pregnancy a secret and struggle to maintain a presentation of “everything is okay”. Weekly acupuncture ameliorates symptoms so pregnant women can actively participate in life (though if nausea and vomiting is severe treatment frequency increases). Treatment includes include acupressure education, helpful tips for food recipes and lifestyle recommendations to elevate symptoms.
Women find the acupuncture to be a relaxing experience, relieving stress and releasing feel good hormones, thus helping with fatigue and insomnia related to pregnancy. The first couple of weeks in pregnancy can cause anxiety as most women worry about complications. Clinical studies have proven the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of anxiety, which is beneficial when anti-anxiety drugs cannot be utilized during pregnancy.
Call (914) 572-5137 today or click here to schedule an appointment & learn more about how we can help you with your pregnancy.